Mint and its Wonderful Benefits

A powerful herb which can embellish your dishes as well as beverages, fresh mint leaves are not only bring in rich flavours but are also highly beneficial for your health.  Whether you use it as a tisane or in a chutney, one can’t overlook the health benefits that these little leaves can bring to you.


Mint is packed with menthol which is used to combat a sore throat.  If you are suffering from a cold, having a mint tea can help to soothe your throat. Furthermore, mint can also help in digestion and even in curing headache.  It is also believed that mint can also help in weight loss and thus, it can be a good idea to incorporate it in your diet, especially if you are going to try a detox drink.

I love using mint as a herb, adding it to my salads, a tasty Mauritian style chutney such as a tomato chutney or a coconut one , my lamb kebabs and so much more.  I also find it very refreshing in a homemade iced tea or mojito.  It’s actually perfect for summer!

How do you use mint in your dishes?  Let us know in the comments!