Tag: #foodwini

Quinoa Porridge

Quinoa Porridge

Quinoa Porridge I wasn’t a big fan of quinoa until last year. For me it was just bland… then I started to look into ways where I could make it more interesting. That’s when I decided to try to make a porridge for breakfast and 

Mint and its Wonderful Benefits

Mint and its Wonderful Benefits

A powerful herb which can embellish your dishes as well as beverages, fresh mint leaves are not only bring in rich flavours but are also highly beneficial for your health.  Whether you use it as a tisane or in a chutney, one can’t overlook the 

The Vegan Lifestyle in Mauritius

The Vegan Lifestyle in Mauritius

This trending lifestyle has been making some buzz for quite some time and it’s usually synonymous to a healthy lifestyle. But we’re often confused about what it really is. What do vegans eat? Is it the same thing as being vegetarian? Are they able to 



Today I want to share my homemade hummus recipe.  For those of you who might not know what it is, Hummus is a dip made out of chickpeas.  It originates from the middle east and it’s usually served as a starter, along with pita bread. 

Classic Cupcakes

Classic Cupcakes

Classic Cupcakes For the French version, click HERE. I love cupcakes and they’re one of the first things that I baked on my own when I was barely 12. This recipe is easy to follow and requires the typical ingredients that you will use when