Tag: Homemade

Toufe Bred Ziromon (Pumpkin Leaves and Shoots)

Toufe Bred Ziromon (Pumpkin Leaves and Shoots)

Sometimes the simplest dishes are the most satisfying. One of my absolute favourite Mauritian vegetarian meals Toufe Bred Ziromon (Pumpkin Shoots and Leaves or Toufé Brède Giraumon) with a bit of rice, served with lentils or dhal, Pomme de Terre Fricassé, and a good satini 

Mango Cheesecake

Mango Cheesecake

If you want to up your cheesecake game, you must try my mango cheesecake for which I use fresh mangoes. This time, I used the Mangue Francoise variety, which is incredibly sweet, tasty and so juicy. Good quality, fresh mangoes will make a huge difference 

Quinoa Porridge

Quinoa Porridge

Quinoa Porridge I wasn’t a big fan of quinoa until last year. For me it was just bland… then I started to look into ways where I could make it more interesting. That’s when I decided to try to make a porridge for breakfast and 

Easy Biscuits

Easy Biscuits

These biscuits are an easy fix if you’re having sudden carvings and you can make them into any shapes. Since Valentine day is approaching I thought I would use my heart shaped cookie cutter this time. But you can also use a glass to shape 

Easy Veggie Filling For Wraps

Easy Veggie Filling For Wraps

Sometimes you’re in a rush or just want to make something simple for lunch/dinner.  When I’m in that state, I make this quick and easy veggie filling which is great or wraps or even rotis.  I use frozen veggies since that makes it even quicker 

Health Bread

Health Bread

This week I decided to make my homemade health bread.  For this recipe I’m using multi-grain flour as the main ingredient.  I find that the bread is very filling when I use it.  Furthermore, multi-grain flour is considered to be healthy since it contains grains 

Veggie Heaven Soup

Veggie Heaven Soup

This creamy vegetable soup is such a treat for the taste buds.  Furthermore, it’s healthy and does not require any artificial flavorings.  I loved it so much that i ended up having two huge bowls. Ingredients: 1 chopped onion 2 Garlic Cloves 1 large piece 

Cereal Bars

Cereal Bars

These cereal bars are a great choice for breakfast or as a guilt-free snack.  They are healthy and nutritious.  For breakfast I usually have them with some yogurt.  They are crunchy and yummy! Ingredients: 1 Cup quick cooking oats 1/2 Cup chopped almonds 1/2 cup 

Homemade Peanut Butter / Beurre De Cacahuètes Maison

Homemade Peanut Butter / Beurre De Cacahuètes Maison

Homemade Peanut Butter For the French version, click HERE. I have never enjoyed peanut butter till the day I decided to make my own.  Unlike the peanut butter jars that you will buy at your grocery, this is free from any preservatives and chemicals.  It’s 

Classic Cupcakes

Classic Cupcakes

Classic Cupcakes For the French version, click HERE. I love cupcakes and they’re one of the first things that I baked on my own when I was barely 12. This recipe is easy to follow and requires the typical ingredients that you will use when