Creamy Hot Chocolate

Brr…this winter in our little island has been pretty cold and rainy!  The weather has been very unpredictable as well.  One moment, it’s slightly warm and sunny and the next minute, there’s strong gusts!  How do you cope with that??

hot cocoa finalshot

Well, one way to deal with that is with a mug of creamy hot chocolate.  This is such a delight and it warms you up.  Besides, I think that chocolate can fix almost anything.  Today I’m sharing my hot chocolate recipe which is rich in flavour.  I love my hot chocolate to have a slight thickness to its texture and makes it very creamy (without adding any whipped cream!! No extra calories! Yay!).  If you do too, this recipe is just perfect.


  • 2 mugs of milk
  • 25 g of dark chocolate
  • 1 cinnamon stick (you can substitute with cinnamon powder if you prefer)
  • Sugar, depending on your preference.  (I usually don’t add any sugar in mine)
  • 1 tablespoon of unsweetened cocoa powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon of cornflour mixed with 3 to 4 teaspoons of water.


  1. Boil the milk and pour in the dark chocolate.
  2. Keep stirring and add the cinnamon and cocoa powder.
  3. Keep stirring until all the chocolate has melted and the ingredients have been well incorporated with the milk.
  4. You may add sugar at this point as well but taste the mixture first to see if it’s necessary.
  5. Keep stirring until your hot chocolate starts to boil.  If you like your hot chocolate to be more liquid, you can switch the stove off and serve it.  But if you want a creamier consistency, pour the cornflour mixture and stir for a minute before turning off the stove.
  6. To serve, use a tea strainer over your mugs before pouring.