Strawberry Guava Jam

Today’s post is very Mauritian!  Strawberry Guavas are commonly known as Goyave de chine in Mauritius.  They are available in April and usually people will go to pluck them in the forests.  You will also find hawkers selling them in the busy streets of the capital.  Typically, you can eat them with ‘diselpima’, a mixture of salt and chilli powder.

I have my own Goyave de chine tree in my garden and since I ended up with a huge quantity of guavas, I decided to make a few jars of jam.  You can have them with toasts, pancakes, biscuits or cakes.



  • 1 Ib Goyave de chine
  • 1 Ib brown sugar
  • Water


  1. Wash the guavas
  2. Put your guavas in a large saucepan.  Add enough water to cover the fruits and bring to a boil.  Stir occasionally.  Let the guavas boil until they turn very soft.
  3. Strain the liquid.  Next, squeeze out the excess water and make sure not to let  any seeds to go through your strainer.
  4. Add your sugar and bring back your mixture to a boil o a medium flame.
  5. Stir continuously until it turns into a jelly-type consistency.
  6. Leave your mixture to cool for some 10 to 15 minutes.
  7. Pour the jam into jars and leave to cool completely before closing the lids.
  8. You can store them up to six months outside thee fridge.

Did you know that?

  • Goyave de chine is rich in fiber.
  • Goyave de chine is a great source of vitamin A and C.