Mini Pizzas

If you’re hosting any parties, these mini pizzas are the perfect appetizers and it’s the kind of thing kids will love… I mean who doesn’t like pizza? These mini ones are pretty cute and you can use your favorite toppings or keep it as simple as these. This recipe yields around 25 mini pizzas.

Mini Pizzas
Mini Pizzas

The Dough


  • 500 g Flour
  • 3 teaspoons instant yeast
  • salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon sugar (optional)
  • 4 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1 glass water
Ready for the oven


  1. Mix all the dry ingredients
  2. Add the oil and then, gradually add the water to the mixture and keep mixing till it forms a dough
  3. let the dough rest for at least 2 hours
  4. roll out the dough (and grab a circle shaped cutter (a glass can work too) and cut little circles out of the dough.
  5. For the toppings, as I was preparing them for kids mainly, I kept it simple by spreading some ketchup and sprinkling some mozzarella and oregano. You can use any toppings you like.
  6. Bake at 160C for around 12 to 15 minutes