How to Make a Weekly Meal Plan?

Hi Foodies! How’s your week going? Mine has been very busy but that’s how I like it. Anyways, let’s talk about meal planning.

Meal Plan

Do you struggle when it comes to deciding what to cook for breakfast, lunch or dinner? Do you end up wanting to eat something but when you open your pantry you realise that you don’t have all the ingredients? One way to solve this issue is to make your own weekly meal plan.  

Meal planning means organising yourself by deciding in advance what you will cook. Usually a weekly meal plan is an easy approach to answer the daily question; what shall I cook today? If you’re trying to save time and be more organised in the kitchen. A weekly meal plan may be a good idea for you.

Now, you’re probably thinking; “but Foodwini, a meal plan sounds so complicated! How will I do that?!” Don’t worry, Foodwini has your back. Today we’re giving you a few tips on how to get started with a weekly meal plan. 

1. Some Things to consider before you start:

Organisation is key when you’re doing a meal plan. You don’t just pull out a sheet of paper and start planning. Here’s a few things to consider before you even draft the meal plan. Trust us, this will come in handy.

For how many people am I cooking? 

Cooking for 1 person and 4 persons isn’t the same. This helps you figure out the correct amount of ingredients you’ll need as well as the time you will devote to cooking. 

Who am I cooking for?

Are you cooking for yourself or for the whole family? Are there children or old people? 

Dietary concerns

Are there any limitations on certain ingredients? Is anyone allergic to a specific thing? 

What are your goals?

Are you looking to save time, eat healthier, reduce food waste or plan your expenses ahead? This will help in choosing the right meals to cook for the week.

What are some of your favourite dishes?

You must have a few of them that you never get enough of. You want to prepare things that you enjoy eating. 

These questions will help to design your personalized meal plan for yourself or your family. 

2. Check your pantry and your fridge

Your next step is to check what you already have in stock. Grab a notepad and a pen and go ahead and check what’s in your fridge and your pantry. Check the freshness of your fruits and vegetables and check all your expiry dates. 


You’re going to make sure that you optimize the plan to reduce food waste. Keep a note on what’s going to expire soon. These are what you will use for the week. You already have a basic idea of some of the ingredients you will use. 

3. Start thinking of dishes you want to have this week

One of the things I do when I’m making a meal plan is to look for ideas because sometimes my mind goes blank. So I will look into the ingredients I already have and then consider what I can cook with them. 

For example , I have fish in my freezer, some carrots and eggplants in my fridge and some pasta in my pantry. I’m going to think of ways I can use these ingredients and I will also look for ideas online. With these ingredients I can make grilled fish and veggies which I can serve with some pasta. I can also make a delicious Mauritian fish curry along with eggplants for one day and for another day I can use the carrots in a salad and I can use the pasta to make a separate dish. 

When I choose my meals, I also make sure to prepare in larger quantities so I can have leftovers. The leftovers from Monday’s dinner can become Tuesday’s lunch. This way, I can save a lot of time. 

What about you? Do you do that when you cook dinner? 

Another thing to bear in mind is the ingredients that are in season. It’s easier to plan when you know what’s available in abundance during summer or winter. It’s cheaper usually.

4. Design your weekly meal plan

Start making your meal plan for the week in a design that works for you. I like using a notebook and pencil to do this but nothing stops you from doing it on your phone or laptop. You can even use some apps to do that. Choose what works best for you. 

When it comes to designing the meal plan, I usually make a list for each day of the week and start writing the dishes I will have each day for breakfast, lunch and dinner. 

Also keep 2 extra meals in mind in case you cannot find all the ingredients you need for a specific dish.

If for certain days you’re not cooking but having meals at the restaurant or ordering food, make sure to keep a note. You know you don’t have to cook or plan for certain specific days and time.

5. Make a shopping list

Next, make a list of the things you need to buy for all your dishes. Having a shopping list helps you to save time and money. You will only buy what’s needed for the week. Moreover you won’t need to go through all the aisles in the store.

If an ingredient is not available, look for a substitute or think whether you can still make the dish without it. 

6. Prep ahead of time

Another trick to save time is to prep your ingredients in advance. During weekends you can chop some vegetables and freeze them so that they’re ready for you to cook during weekdays. 

You can also cook certain ingredients in advance to store in your fridge or freezer. For example, you can pre cook your meatballs or even some rice which you will use later during the week. 

Do these things on Sunday and you’ll find it easier to cook during the week. 

7. Sticking to your meal plan

Keep your meal plan in a spot that you will easily access. I usually stick mine on the door of my fridge with a magnet. If you have it on your phone, make sure to check it everyday. Remember that it is ok to swap dishes if you suddenly don’t feel like eating something. That’s also why I stick to weekly plans instead of longer meal plans. 

Now you’re all set to make your own meal plans. Take a picture of your meal plan and tag @foodwinicooking so we can see how you designed them. 

Do you make a weekly meal plan or have you considered doing it? Let us know in the comments.